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A Safe Place to Build Your House


If a house is built directly over underground water streams spring vortex or over the earths natural sources can be very damaging to your health over a period of time. The biggest problem with geopathic stress is that lowers your immune system and that can feed many serious illness over the years, this would also been proved to be the case for as for back at 1929 in Germany, where many people in the one area had cancer.  Our researcher would also have found that geopathic stress been the main contribution factor to all the ailments but we would have also found that geopathics has not been the only cause.  In our research we would have found that a person sitting or lying in these areas for long periods of time can become highly stressed or full of fear, panic or anxiety. Geopathic stress fuels the worry or stress in the body together with the life stress that people are under today with financial or otherwise, our research team have found 99 times out of 100 that when the earths negative energy lines are crossing through a persons body at a particular point it signifies where the person has the ailment. Many people are addicted to this type of energy, they will always want to sit to lie on it. The more a person is sitting or lying on it the quicker the ailments will accure depending on the power,  the energy and the levels of every day stress you are under at work at home or at college.


It takes 10-15 minutes for this negative enery to enter our body.   Can you imagine how much a person endure over a period of years!  What are the early signs to watch out or? How do I sleep ?  Do I wake up four or five  times a night and get up in the morning exhausted !  Do I have a great night sleep as it seems and still wake up exhausted ! Do you sleep for hours in the couch or chair before someone wakens you at 2am or 3am and tell you to go to bed?  High Blood pressure is another early sign.

We would also have found many people with different types of addiction to kill the pain or fear, those addictions give the person a leg up. They are many types of addictions. Alcohol, drugs, food,Gambling and sexual addictionsAnger, when the body is using any of the addictions the body is in somewhat of a comfort zone and as we know any of those addictions will have a serious effect on our relationships with ourselves and the people that are around us.

In our research we would have found that many of the addictions will all go together, fueling the body to an even great imbalance. For eg. 99 percent of the home institutions with high levels of sexual abuse all had high levels of geopathic stress. Many old schools which closed down and were sold on and bought by couples to live in have found high imbalances in the energy of the place. Where some teacher had anger issues not to mention all the children that were affected by this imbalance of energy. Most of these buildings carry high levels of geopathic stress, our research team have found couples or people that live in these places now also have relationship problems or addictions problems,

Food is another addiction many people seem to have nowadays.

We all know that food gives us that extra boost of energy, that extra sweet cake, bar of chocolate, it all kills the pain for a while or so it seems. In our research we have found that many people who are obese and who have tried many different diets and many different types of exercise class have found it very hard to maintain the weight loss or keep up with the exercise class.




Our research team would have found that once a persons body is fully balanced and carrying little or no emotional weight in there life from life as a child and not sitting on geopathic stress can move forward in life with ease, they are attracted to the right energy and the right people are attracted to you. At  Thurles Bio Energy & Geopathic Stress Testing Clinic I find it so important to check where a person is sitting and sleeping on for long periods of time so that I can help their body to maintain full balance after a Bio Energy session.


How should I feel after I am off the geopathic stress lines.


Happier, full nights sleep, more clarity, focus better,   able to cope with stress better, truly know yourself, all the emotional weight lifted off leaving you light and feeling younger.




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